New PDF release: An Atlas of Diseases of the Nail (The Encyclopedia of Visual

By Phoebe Rich, Richard K. Scher

ISBN-10: 020349069X

ISBN-13: 9780203490693

Illnesses of the nail signify a shockingly huge component of such a lot dermatologists' perform - and will current tricky, occasionally intractable, scientific difficulties. Co-authored via one of many world's best professionals within the box, An Atlas of illnesses of the Nail offers professional and authoritative tips on all features of analysis and management.

A accomplished consultant to universal nail illnesses, the booklet contains anatomy and body structure of the nail unit, paronychia and onycholysis, nail fungal infections, nails in dermatologic ailments, nails in systemic illness, nail beauty chemistry, nail cosmetics, medical points, plus the therapy of nail issues and nail surgical procedure. interpreting the nail from each attitude, An Atlas of illnesses of the Nail offers you a visible connection with nail ailments supported by means of textual content overlaying analysis and remedy.

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Rehtijarva K. Dystrophica mediana canaliformis (Heller). Acta Dermatol Venerol 1971;51:315 2. Miura T, Nakamura R. Congenital onychodysplasia of the index fingers. J Hand Surg [Am] 1990;15:793–7 3. Prais D, Merlob P, Horey G. COIF syndrome: the diversity of clinical and radiological findings. Am J Med Genet 2002;107:179–80 4. Cetin M, Utas S, Unal, A, Altimbas M. Shedding of the nails due to chemotherapy (onychomadesis). J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 1998;11:193–4 5. Daniel CR III. Onycholysis: an overview.

As the chronic paronychia progresses, the nail plate develops horizontal ridges and grooves (Figure 48). The treatment includes removal of the Figure 46 Chronic paronychia from contact irritants Figure 47 Inflamed nail fold in chronic paronychia An atlas of diseases of the nail 36 Figure 48 Chronic paronychia resulting in nail plate changes environmental factors and allergens that triggered the problem and treatment of yeast and bacteria, when present. Once the cuticle and nail fold heal themselves, the nail plate will regain its smooth surface.

J Am Acad Dermatol 1990;23:1127–32 8. Zook EG. Understanding the perionychium. J Hand Ther 2000;13:269–75 9. Daniel CR, Gupta AK, Daniel MP, Sullivan S. Candida infection of the nail: role of Candida as a primary or secondary pathogen. Int J Dermatol 1998;37:904–7 10. Tosti A, Piraccini BM, Ghetti E, Colomubo MD. Topical steroids versus systemic antifungals in the treatment of chronic paronychia: An open, randomized double-blind and double dummy study. J Am Acad Dermatol 2002;47:73–6 Nail signs and their definitions: non-specific nail dystrophies 45 11.

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An Atlas of Diseases of the Nail (The Encyclopedia of Visual Medicine Series) by Phoebe Rich, Richard K. Scher

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