Download e-book for iPad: Combinatorial Chemistry by W. Bannwarth, B. Hinzen

By W. Bannwarth, B. Hinzen

ISBN-10: 3527304274

ISBN-13: 9783527304271

The recent version of this practice-oriented guide good points completely up to date contents, together with fresh advancements in parallel synthesis.
A new bankruptcy on screening enhances the evaluation of combinatorial approach and artificial methods.

"Experimental information and entire response info [...] are a continuing topic working via this work"
(Angewandte Chemie)

"Recommended to beginners within the box of combinatorial chemical synthesis due to its large scope"
(Journal of the yankee Chemical Society)

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Anders(1996). , Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. , Tetrahedron Lett. 38, 463–468 (1997). 4091–4094 (1997). Boger D. , Ozer R. , 10 Sim M. , J. Org. Chem. 62, Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. 7, 1903–1908 3230–3235 (1997). (1997). 11 Nieuwenhuijzen J. , Conti P. G. , Ot- 29 30 References 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 tenheijm H. C. , Linders J. T. , Tetrahedron Lett. 39, 7811–7814 (1998). , Cooper A. W. , Deal M. , Dean A. , Gore A. , Hawes M. , Judd D. , Merritt A. , Watson S.

59 Starkey G. , Parlow J. , Flynn D. , J. Org. Chem. 62, 5908–5919 (1997). Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. , Obrecht (1998). 55 Parlow J. , South M. 1 General Synthesis on solid supports involves three key elements: the solid support, the linker element, and the compound attached to the linker. The solid support should be stable to a wide range of reaction conditions and allow for reactions in different types of solvents and at elevated temperatures. The need for linkers arises from the fact that the range of suitable functionalities available on resins is severely restricted, and so consequently is the range of functional groups that can be directly attached to the solid support.

In general, synthesis on solid supports involves two additional steps as compared with synthesis in solution. First, the starting material must be attached to the linker unit before the synthesis; and second, the final compound must be released from the support after the synthesis. The main challenge in the design of appropriate linker molecules lies in the fact that they must be adapted to the type of chemistry to be performed. This chemistry should not cause the linker unit to be modified, neither should it result in cleavage from the linker entity during the chemical steps leading to the support-bound (via Fig.

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Combinatorial Chemistry by W. Bannwarth, B. Hinzen

by Brian

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