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By A. Barlotti, A. Bichara, P.V. Ceccherini and G. Tallini (Eds.)

ISBN-10: 0444894527

ISBN-13: 9780444894526

This quantity types a helpful resource of data on contemporary advancements in examine in combinatorics, with unique regard to the geometric perspective. themes lined comprise: finite geometries (arcs, caps, unique types in a Galois area; generalized quadrangles; Benz planes; origin of geometry), partial geometries, Buekenhout geometries, transitive permutation units, flat-transitive geometries, layout idea, finite teams, near-rings and semifields, MV-algebras, coding thought, cryptography and graph idea in its geometric and layout facets.

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Through O are 0 -0 )-secant. , 's through q. /t. he hyperplanes. CI . 1, t h e n m h r I>€ such S ncl plane of k t R he a p i n t of q. hrouqh R b u t not through T has l i n e s of K , d i f f e r e n t . 1. hera passes no p l a n e of K. p i n t . of ' [ O , l , L , . el I , and l e t R denote a l i n e of (*) is 0 8 /L different. € r m R. o ar~coimt. and t h e number of t h e ( 2 6 -8 )-secant h y p r p l m e s thrciugh R . he ( 2 8 -0 ) - s e c a n t h hyperplanes thnxigti R hut. not. thrcxiqh 'L CI is a 1 - d i m n s i o n a l s~~&piiace S 1 Since, i n view o f Result.

7 itiitl l? 4iiiiie = co i i i p o i i cx t I ( A 1 ) Tlicil Class 2 ) Talie tlie special (y7'-', 7 ,n)--matrix which we preseiited befoie and wliich was based on tlie affine space C. ). + n:=, R w m k Let (A{, B ) lie a T ( f , q , T , n ) Then :is we proved iii ['I. 3. W. Heise urid H. iitl I Y - Miillio\vsltin-structures, R. Periiiutti [6] defined tlie Mobius-nL-struct,ur~s. guerre-rrL-structures iiiid tlint t,lic, T (I I I + 2 , y, (1. The classes of examples wc' woLIlcl lilic t,o prcscnt in this scctioii itIe p u t l y tliose /ii-structures.

Not. thrcxiqh 'L CI is a 1 - d i m n s i o n a l s~~&piiace S 1 Since, i n view o f Result. I. he 1 inm of K wkiLch int-ersert. he 1i n e s of K throuqh R d i f f e r e n t from t-hrrslgh R d i f f e r e n t from throiiqh R d i f f e r e n t . from q.. 2. Thus S i q,, so on t-he 8 must. w n t a i n the p h-1 h-1 7 . s on 1i n e s r3f K lines O € i( Then it r e s u l t s i2h. It. remains t o prove that. Note on a characterization of Segre variety in PG(r,q) 41 i

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Combinatorics '90Recent Trends and Applications, Proceedings of the Conference on Corn binatorics, Gaeta by A. Barlotti, A. Bichara, P.V. Ceccherini and G. Tallini (Eds.)

by Richard

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