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By Terence H. Qualter

ISBN-10: 1349049239

ISBN-13: 9781349049233

ISBN-10: 1349049255

ISBN-13: 9781349049257

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In 1882 a group of individuals, under the leadership of Thomas Davidson, began to meet in London to discuss ethical problems. 2 Some of those brought together within the Fellowship of the New Life soon wanted to go beyond personal moral improvement to consider social reform, and they began to meet with a wider circle to this end. At a meeting on 23 November 1883, principally of members of the Fellowship, the following resolution was proposed and carried, apparently unanimously: The members of the Society assert that the Competitive system assures the happiness and comfort of the few at the expense of the suffering of the many and that Society must be reconstituted in such a manner as to secure the general welfare and happiness.

He generally accepted reality as the sum of sense impressions, and was prepared to find in such reality an adequate explanation of the universe. Only later, in his psychological work, did he begin to find deficiencies in a completely nominalist approach. In considering later Wallas' own psychological theories we will be in a better position to examine his objections to the mechanistic psychology of modern Marxism. Here it is 34 GRAHAM WALLAS AND THE GREAT SOCIETY sufficient to note that these objections reflected his general antipathy to monist explanations.

Thus the argument against the 'intellectualist fallacy' of nineteenth-century liberalism was not what careless reading might assume it to be, a denial of reason. It was the argument that reason was only one of several impulses behind human behaviour. To see all human behaviour as rational calculation was an error, but no more so than to deny the possibility of any rational calculation. With the publication, in 1908, of Human Nature in Politics, where the question of rationality in politics was more fully explored, the evolution of Wallas' thinking was complete.

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Graham Wallas and the Great Society by Terence H. Qualter

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