Thomas W. Shinder, Stace Cunningham, D. Lynn White, Syngress's Hack Proofing Windows 2000 Server PDF

By Thomas W. Shinder, Stace Cunningham, D. Lynn White, Syngress Media, Garrick Olsen

ISBN-10: 1928994024

ISBN-13: 9781928994022

ISBN-10: 1928994067

ISBN-13: 9781928994060

ISBN-10: 1928994113

ISBN-13: 9781928994114

ISBN-10: 1928994296

ISBN-13: 9781928994299

Crucial examining for any IT defense association, Hack Proofing home windows 2000 Server takes on a unmarried, important characteristic of home windows 2000 Server operations and explains its many features, either conceptually and essentially. It expertly files approaches and explains advanced architectures via event and examine. The authors comprise instructions on how one can use defense prone, together with Kerberos and the Encrypting dossier method (EFS). lots of the insurance examines behind-the-interface operations, counting on movement diagrams and uncluttered conceptual drawings to demonstrate procedures like smart-card authentication and the general public Key Infrastructure (PKI). Question-and-answer sections on the finish of every bankruptcy are well-chosen; one instance asks approximately utilizing 128-bit encryption throughout a global community.

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NTLMv2, released in Service Pack 4 for Windows NT 4, is supported in Windows 2000 if you properly configure the clients and servers (see Chapter 10, “Supporting Non-Windows 2000 Clients and Servers,” for details). 0 LOGON request. 0 response to the logon request. 0, but LM is used to authenticate Windows 95 and Windows 98 systems. You can add support for NTLM v2, but down-level clients currently don’t support the Kerberos authentication method. 51 presents another problem. 51 has problems with authentication of groups and users in domains other than the logon domain.

Why the Change? The more widely an operating system is used in industry, the more likely it is to become a target. The weaknesses in Windows NT came under constant attack as it became more prevalent in industry. com), showed the weakness of Windows NT’s password encryption for the Lan Manager hash. Because the Lan Manager hash was always sent, by default, when a user logged in, it was easy to crack the password. It was good that L0pht Heavy Industries revealed this weakness in the network operating system.

Windows 2000 Server has grown by several million lines of code over the earlier versions of Windows NT, so it may be hard to believe that anything is the same as in the earlier versions. NTLM is the same as it was in earlier versions because it has to support down-level clients. Global groups and local groups are still present in Windows 2000 Server, with another group (universal) added. Otherwise, for security purposes, this is a new operating system with many new security features and functions for system administrators to learn.

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Hack Proofing Windows 2000 Server by Thomas W. Shinder, Stace Cunningham, D. Lynn White, Syngress Media, Garrick Olsen

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