Read e-book online Hacker Web Exploition Uncovered PDF

By Marsel Nizamutdinov

ISBN-10: 1931769494

ISBN-13: 9781931769495

An outline and research of the vulnerabilities brought on by programming mistakes in internet purposes, this e-book is written from either from the attacker's and defense specialist's point of view. lined is detecting, investigating, exploiting, and taking out vulnerabilities in net functions in addition to mistakes equivalent to personal home page resource code injection, SQL injection, and XSS. the most typical vulnerabilities in Hypertext Preprocessor and Perl scripts and strategies of exploiting those weaknesses are defined, info on writing intersite scripts and safe platforms for the hosted websites, growing safe authorization structures, and bypassing authorization. exposed is how attackers can enjoy the hosted goal and why an it appears normal-working software could be weak.

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The Lack of Variable Initialization Consider a few more examples of programming errors in PHP scripts that could allow a remote user to obtain higher privileges in the system. One common error is the lack of initialization of variables before the first use of them. To be precise, this isn't a vulnerability, and in most cases the attacker cannot benefit from this. However, the lack of initialization can sometimes have dramatic consequences. The base for all vulnerabilities caused by the use of noninitialized variables is that, with certain settings of the PHP interpreter, the interpreter automatically registers GET, POST, and sometimes COOKIE parameters sent with HTTP requests.

Cgi line 17. Error fetch() without execute() Content-Type: text/html The cause of the 500 - internal Server Error message is the same as in the previous example: The script doesn't output the value of the Content-Type header field. Chapter 2: Vulnerabilities in Scripts 53 54 Chapter 2: Vulnerabilities in Scripts In this example, the error message was sent to the browser before the header. So, when an attacker investigates a system for vulnerabilities, he or she can suppose that the internal server error emerging with certain values of HTTP parameters indicates an error in the script.

This allows the attacker to suppose that the array can be initialized to other values. To understand how this can be done, consider another example. a[5]=hello. The text of the script is as follows:

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Hacker Web Exploition Uncovered by Marsel Nizamutdinov

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