Lyra Graeca, Volume I: Terpander, Alcman, Sappho and Alcaeus by J.M. Edmonds (ed.) PDF

By J.M. Edmonds (ed.)

Quantity 1 of three. This quantity contains works of Terpander, Alcman, Sappho, and Alcaeus. Greek and English on dealing with pages.

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Str. 10. 48 [tt. KprfTCOv]' &)? 8' avTco<; Kal TOL^; pv9pol<; Y^pr]TiKol<^ ^(pfjadai Kard Td<^ ooBd<; avvTOvcoTdroL^ ovaLV, 01»? Od\r]Ta dvevpelv, w Kal Tov<; 7Taidva'^ Kal Td<; dX\a<; Td<; eVi^^co/jta? ci)Sd<; dvaTLdeaaL Kal 7ro\\a tcov vofiificov. Paus. 1. voaov 7Tavaa<; Tvviov Oa\r](; Se 6 AaKe8ai/ji0Vi0i<; Tyv 14. 4 . . o\ocf)ct)VLO<; cf)y]ai avTOV TTOLifaa^;. Ael. H. 12. 50 fiovLOL<; Plut. irepl e<; Mus. ; fiovaLKrjV 1 34 pev ovv cf. ev rrpcoTr] Tfj Strabo KaTdaTaai<; X^rdpTr] 10. vSpov THALETAS THALES or LlFE Diogenes Laertius Lije of Thales tJie Philosopher \ccording to Demetrius of Magnesia in his ^len qf he Same Xame, there have been five others of this tiie third belongs to very lame, of whom incient times, namely those of Hesiod^ Homer, and : .

P,d\iaTa aiTiav ey^ovaLV 7]ye/j,6ve<; yeveaOaL' tovtcov yap elarjyrfcl)covLO<; ra aa/ievcov Tv/xvoiraLhia^; Td<; iTepl iv Td<; AaKeSai/iovL \eyeTai KaTaaTa6f]vaL, ra Trepl tq? 'ATToSet^ei? ra? ev "ApKaSiq, tmv re ev "ApyeL Ta rjaav 5' ol Trepl ^a\i]Tav ^EivSv/idTLa Ka\ovpeva. evoKpLTOv iroLijTal 'Bev68a/jiov re Kal TraLdvcov, ol he irepl Tlo\v/ivaaTov tcov opOicov Ka\ovpevcov, ol Be Trepl ^aKdSav i\eyeicov Kal Tlo\vpvaaTO<; S' av\y8LKov<; v6/iov<; inoii/aev' . €i 3' iv ^ Tcp 6p9i(p Trj v6/Ji(p .

Pliitarch on Mi(sic [see The Same on Olympus p. 8J. According to Heracleides' CoUections and the kind of })oc'try which bclongs to it were the invention of Am})hion son of Zcus and Antio})c, who His authority })resumably was taught by his father. is the registcr })rcserved at Sicyon, from which he : on thc Musicidns, the art of singini^ to tlie lyre dcrivcs his lists of the })riestesscs at Argos, thc })oets, and the musicians. , Thcsc })octs' writin^s werc not and Phemius. in prose, but resemblcd thosc of Stesicliorus and thc old lyric poets who wrote e})ic bnes and set them to music.

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Lyra Graeca, Volume I: Terpander, Alcman, Sappho and Alcaeus (Loeb Classical Library No. 142) by J.M. Edmonds (ed.)

by Christopher

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