Download e-book for iPad: Metabolism and Functions of Bioactive Ether Lipids in the by Akhlaq A. Farooqui

By Akhlaq A. Farooqui

ISBN-10: 0387774009

ISBN-13: 9780387774008

ISBN-10: 0387774017

ISBN-13: 9780387774015

Information on bioactive ether lipids and their involvement in neurological issues is at the moment scattered during the literature within the kind of unique papers and stories. Metabolism and features of Bioactive Ether Lipids within the Brain presents readers with a complete description of metabolism of bioactive ether lipids within the mind, actions of enzymes serious about their metabolism, and their involvement in neurological disorders.

This ebook might be really helpful to neuroscience graduate scholars, lecturers, and researchers. Clinicians will locate this ebook beneficial for realizing molecular features of neurodegeneration in acute neural trauma and neurodegenerative illnesses which are mediated through plamalogen-selective phospholipases A2 and PAF acetyl hydrolases. This monograph is the 1st to supply a finished description of not just metabolism and function of plasmalogen and platelet activating consider mind tissue but additionally the involvement of those lipids with irregular sign transduction strategies in neurological disorders.

Key Features

• presents the neuroscience neighborhood with huge description of ether lipids-derived lipid mediators their roles and organization with neurological problems

• specific cognizance given to the outline of keys enzymes linked to the iteration of ether lipid-derived lipid mediators

• Illustrated with chemical buildings and line diagrams of sign transduction pathways

• Discusses the longer term path of study on ether lipid metabolism

About the Authors

Akhlaq A. Farooqui is a pacesetter within the box of bioactive ether lipids, glutamate-mediated neurotoxicity, and mind phospholipases A2. In collaboration with past due Dr. Lloyd A. Horrocks, he stumbled on a plasmalogen-selective phospholipase A2 in mind and confirmed its stimulation in kainate-mediated neurotoxicity and mind tissue from sufferers with Alzheimer disorder. He has additionally came upon a lessen in plasmalogen degrees in mind from Alzheimer’s illness sufferers. This lessen in plasmalogens is because of the stimulation of phospholipases A2. Akhlaq A. Farooqui has authored monographs, Glycerophospholipids in mind: Phospholipase A2 in Neurological Disorders (Springer, 2006) and Neurochemical facets of Excitotoxicity (Springer, 2007). Tahira Farooqui is a professional on glycerophospholipid and sphingolipid metabolism and neural plasticity. She has released broadly on molecular mechanism of neuroinflammation, interactions among glycerophospholipid and sphingolipid-derived lipid mediators, and neural plasticity within the mind.

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Example text

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Plasmalogen-derived lipid mediators mediate these processes. The molecular mechanism involved in neural cell proliferation and differentiation is not fully understood, but plasmalogen-derived lipid mediators may be involved. , 2004) and PLC (Albi and Magni, 2004). Stimulation of these enzymes produces arachidonic acid and alkylacyl glycerols. Both metabolites stimulate protein kinase C and enhance the generation of other lipid mediators such as eicosanoids and plateletactivating factor. Ischemic/reperfusion injury of rat hearts results in a 50% loss of myocytic nuclear choline and ethanolamine glycerophospholipids when compared with perfused hearts of controls.

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Metabolism and Functions of Bioactive Ether Lipids in the Brain by Akhlaq A. Farooqui

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