Download e-book for kindle: Models and Languages of Object-Oriented Databases by Georg Lausen

By Georg Lausen

ISBN-10: 0201624311

ISBN-13: 9780201624311

Brings jointly key advancements in OO databases from parts similar to semantic modelling, formal info types, language layout concerns, item algebra and rule-based question languages. indicates how those components may well engage inside an object-oriented database method. Paper. DLC: Object-oriented database.

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Example text

3 Navigating with path expressions In object-oriented databases, if we want to process the overall structure of a compound object which is defined by aggregation, we have to follow references between objects. For this purpose typically a navigating technique based on path expressions is used. Now we are going to explain the relationship between path expressions and relational join operations and then, after having discussed some more examples, we shall outline some possible extensions of path expressions.

In our last example every generated instance of the resulting class of the type {[ p: Person, Name: String, f: Vehicle ]} would then be an independent object. A second possibility would be first to generate values which could later be converted into objects if required. The dynamic generation of objects in queries leads to another problem, because it needs to be clarified how the new class is to be integrated into the already existing class hierarchy. Again, there are various approaches. On the one hand, it can be argued that results have no superclass, with the possible exception of a class Object which is the root of the given hierarchy; on the other hand, one can establish some rules which govern how the super- and subclasses of a view can be derived from the existing ones.

In other words, query expressions may refer only to information which is declared as public. 8 a private (and therefore invisible) attribute DateofBirth has been defined for class Person, and that the age of a person can be determined with a specific method Age which uses the date of birth. Direct access to DateofBirth must not be permitted, but only the calculation of age, provided that method Age is public. On the other hand, it should be possible to use public properties and methods in query expressions without any restrictions; in particular, names of methods should be allowed wherever names of attributes might occur.

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Models and Languages of Object-Oriented Databases by Georg Lausen

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