Night Shift by Stephen King PDF

By Stephen King

ISBN-10: 0385528841

ISBN-13: 9780385528849

Greater than twenty-five tales of horror and nightmarish fable rework daily events into stories of compelling terror within the worlds of the dwelling, the death, and the nonliving.

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Extra info for Night Shift

Example text

The fool, he had scorned the final warning, scoffed at it. And there might not be another . . For the rest of the night she lay there just staring up at the ceiling, watching the latticed square of moonlight pale until finally it was replaced by the cold grey light of a mountain winter dawn. That scream—she could still hear it like a catchy tune that persistently sticks in the brain. She heard it again and again, a long-drawn-out cry of agony, the embodiment of every fear known to man or beast, the ultimate in terror.

Subsidence created potholes and cracked tarmacadam as though it was a subtle manoeuvre to return to its former surface of mud and stones. One shop, so insignificant among the grey stone cottages that it seemed to be trying to hide from strangers, and a church that would be undergoing structural repairs if ever the twenty-year-old restoration fund realised sufficient money. ' The Cat, tike everything else in Woodside had rejected progress. Picturesque inside and out it could have commanded trade from afar but Eli Lewis, its publican, was determined that that should not happen.

Peter watched them go, typical examples of motorbike hooligans. Hodre or Perrycroft—it was just the same. ' Janie was doing her best to scold Gavin but the impact of her remonstration was tempered by relief. She was trying hard not to cry. ' Gavin was trembling. 'Something's happened to him, I know it has. He's somewhere in thereV A shaking forefinger pointed to the forest. Even the morning sunlight could not dispel its aura of foreboding, its silent warning. ' Peter clutched at his shoulder and winced.

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Night Shift by Stephen King

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