The Holy CEO. An Autobiography - download pdf or read online

By Christian Fabre, Swami Pranavananda Brahmendra Avadhuta

ISBN-10: 8184951981

ISBN-13: 9788184951981

Christian Fabre's existence was once not anything lower than a rollercoaster experience. He used to be far-off from domestic, he had a damaged marriage, was once penniless, and and not using a job.The evolution of Swami Pranavananda Brahmendra Avadhuta from the downonhisluck French entrepreneur who had witnessed a number of ups and downs in his company, is an inspiring tale. sarcastically, the very identify that he renounced has develop into recognized far and wide India this day, as an increasing number of Christian Fabre shops open up in several cities.After his ordainment as a Naga Swami (a renunciate bare Hindu monk), his liked Guru gave him an outstanding directive – his occupation in stylish clothing needed to be his sadhana (spiritual practice). He needed to be on the market, yet now not of it; he needed to convey Spirituality into the cloth world.Successfully straddling the probably opposing worlds of Spirituality and overseas style put on, the click calls him the 'AntiTrump' or the 'Naked Emperor of ReadytoWear'.This is his tale, in his...

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Imagine my mother's worries and anguish. We had to defend our helicopter base. 'Fellagas' entered at night and did horrible things to us French soldiers. They used to disappear from the base as swiftly as they came in. I had never killed a man, but one night as I was on guard duty along the electric fence of barbed wires, I saw a pair of eyes shining in the darkness. ' I called out thrice. I had no other choice, I fired at those bright eyes, heard a 'couic', and thought I had killed a man. The whole base woke up.

He would go out of his way to help us get whatever we needed. I discovered that India was a country with the highest number of government holidays in the world. The important occasions observed by Hindus, Muslims, Buddhists, and Christians have to be considered by the government and almost each of the fourteen states that formed the Republic of India then, has its own New Year. I am not even mentioning the holidays people are forced to take during strikes (a national sport), when a leader died, sick leaves, etc.

Guru-disciple Relationship 33. A Bucket Full of Holes 34. Life in Our Hermitage 35. Christian Fabre 36. Sky-clad 37. My Life and Friends in Chennai 38. Karma 39. In Meditation till the End of Time Glossary Timeline Summary INTRODUCTION An unsuspecting young Frenchman, by the name of Christian Fabre, landed in Madras in the early '70s. A tumultuous series of paradoxical events led to his becoming a complete destitute with no job, no money, no wife, and no son, to becoming Swami Pranavananda Brahmendra Avadhuta, and after many failed ventures, the CEO of a fashion empire.

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The Holy CEO. An Autobiography by Christian Fabre, Swami Pranavananda Brahmendra Avadhuta

by William

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