The Mustang Herder by Max Brand PDF

By Max Brand

ISBN-10: 058529884X

ISBN-13: 9780585298849

ISBN-10: 0843939087

ISBN-13: 9780843939088

Perfecting his abilities in highway scuffling with and gunslinging, New York-born Gregg heads west within the hopes of creating his fortune and is disgusted through his next task as a mustang herder, till a band of thugs bargains him the journey he craves. unique.

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But afterward he had begun to see the distinctions as he rode with them day and night. And now he knew them all. He knew that Roman-nosed roan. He knew very well that blazefaced brown and the chestnut with the broken ear. He knew all six of themhe could swear to them! And the papers of sale were in his pocket! " Rendell ran to the door. Page 49 "No," said he, "that's not one of the thieves, any more than I am. That's one of the oldest ranchmen around these parts. It's Cumnor, son; and he's no thief.

He cared for her as he cared for himself, I might say. He had admitted her into his life, and she had grown into it like a graft into the trunk of a tree. He thought of her as often as he thought of himself. And if he were not passionately unhappy when he was away from her, he was certainly worried and irritated and confused and ill at ease. When he was at her side, he did not want to kiss her or fondle her or say foolish things to her, or even hold her hand. But he was satisfiedas a cow is satisfied when it is in its own pasture, near its own red barn.

And about the worst in this very bad lot seems to be Mr. Lawson. Will you step out, Mr. " Mr. Lawson had not turned white. His complexion did not permit that color. But he turned a very pale greenish-yellow. He did not step forward. He whirled, instead, toward the door, and tried to spring through it. 45-caliber Colt's bullet cracked the door from top to bottom. Mr. Lawson did not make the mistake of imagining that it was a missed shot. He stopped in his tracks and turned slowly back to face Chester Ormonde Furness.

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The Mustang Herder by Max Brand

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