The Politics of BSE - download pdf or read online

By Richard Packer (auth.)

ISBN-10: 0230504655

ISBN-13: 9780230504653

ISBN-10: 1349540285

ISBN-13: 9781349540280

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At much the same time we had to cope with a ‘deregulation scrutiny’ of meat hygiene suggested by the Cabinet Office. These scrutinies were conducted by individual officials for a special section of the Cabinet Office (for which they formally worked for the period in question) to see whether red tape could be reduced in the area in question. At the time they had a high political profile. It was clear that many expected major changes to be recommended in a meat-hygiene scrutiny, which would probably include not going ahead with a National Service.

A very few further cases were sent to CVL towards the end of 1986. On examination by the pathologists the brains showed characteristics similar to but not identical to scrapie in sheep. On 19 December 1986 the Head of the Pathology Section sent the Laboratory Director a note commenting on the brains of the animals examined: … the lesions observed have similarities to spongiform encephalopathies of other species and in particular scrapie of sheep. In the same note the author mentioned two major concerns if indeed this turned out to be ‘bovine scrapie’, namely the implications for the export trade and possibly human health.

Unfortunately some discussion of slaughterhouse activities and standards is necessary for a proper understanding of the BSE saga. This is partly because the low standards in many undertakings and unsatisfactory enforcement of the rules by local authorities were two of the most significant difficulties the government faced in controlling the BSE epidemic. When the enforcement problem was solved in 1995 by the establishment of a new national body, the Meat Hygiene Service, it was possible greatly to improve the protection of the public.

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The Politics of BSE by Richard Packer (auth.)

by Kevin

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