Download e-book for kindle: Business Components Factory: A Comprehensive Overview of by Peter Herzum

By Peter Herzum

ISBN-10: 0471327603

ISBN-13: 9780471327608

During this e-book, Peter Herzum and Oliver Sims current an entire part established technique, the enterprise part method, that applies and extends part considering to all facets of the software program lifestyles cycle for firm platforms. The method incorporates a conceptual framework that brings elements into the realm of scalable platforms, and descriptions different part granularities.It additionally incorporates a technique that is going past present object-oriented practices to supply the innovations required to fulfill the genuine demanding situations of component-based improvement. utilizing their enterprise part procedure, the authors then supply a blueprint for a enterprise part factory-a improvement power which could produce software program with the standard, velocity, and suppleness had to fit altering company wishes. Sprinkled with guidance, information, and architectural styles, this ebook absolutely prepares you for the impending part revolution.Praise for enterprise part manufacturing facility

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Example text

Assumes continuous integration, and it is driven by risk management Component-centric approach . The main difference between the business component approach and any other development approach is that the business component approach is strongly component-centric . That is, the whole development process, as well as all architectural considerations and indeed any other aspect of the approach, are centered around the various levels of component granularity . Architecture-centric approach . The business component approach and the development process in particular are strongly architecture-centric .

These viewpoints will be further detailed in Part 2 of this book, with the exclusion of the functional architecture viewpoint, which is addressed in Part 3 . Distribution tiers . The four main tiers of a business component and of a whole information system are the user, workspace, enterprise, and resource tiers . In Chapter 4 we discuss the meaning of the tiers at the business component level, and in Chapter 5 we discuss their meaning at the business component system level . There may be additional tiers, one of which is the gateway tier presented in Chapter 5 .

Create Invoice I aClient I Business component system "Invoice Management" u I I I 1 Invoice 4. validate currency 1 1 I I- 1 NumberGenerator I I I Individual business components Example of a business component system . Vendor 2. validate Vendor I I 1 3 . 5 T I I Design Use Case : Invoice Creation. Business Event : Invoice arrives in mail . Description : Clerk manually enters the invoice data into the system on arrival of paper invoice . Narrative : The invoice creation starts by entering the vendor .

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Business Components Factory: A Comprehensive Overview of Component-Based Development for the Enterprise by Peter Herzum

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