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By R. Kay, J. Adler

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Many communities rely on coastal and marine resources for subsistence and income generation. These communities, especially the Makassanese and Buginese, have developed innovative approaches to resource use and established pioneering trade routes throughout the Asia-Pacific region (Bangda, 1996). This marine culture continues today with the provincial capital, Ujung Pandang, firmly established as the hub of marine transport in Eastern Indonesia and an emerging economic centre. As a consequence the demands for access and use of coastal and marine resources has increased with significant costs to the environment.

Oil pollution also occurs from other sources—shipwrecked vessels, oil exploration, bilge pumping and recreational craft. g. radioactive), the sea is often viewed as an easy and cheap dumping ground. Clearly this is not an acceptable practice except under very strict controls. International agreements such as MARPOL prohibit dumping at sea, and many nations have also enacted national legislation banning disposal at sea. Disposal of toxic substances such as radioactive wastes carries considerable risks since our knowledge of the long-term storage of such materials in marine environments is very limited.

Copyright 1999 Taylor & Francis Group Having looked at the general principles of sustainablity, three specific effects of sustainable thinking on coastal management can now be briefly considered. The first is the effect on the use of economics and economic instruments in decision making. Environmental economics, as we shall demonstrate in Chapter 4, is rapidly becoming one of the mainstays of the practical use of sustainable development in decision making. Sustainability has provided many economists with a basis for implicitly including equity, environmental considerations and a long-term view into the cost-benefit and other economic analyses (Jacobs, 1991).

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Coastal Planning And Management by R. Kay, J. Adler

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