Download e-book for kindle: Cryotherapy in Chest Medicine by Jean-Pierre Bonniot (auth.), Jean-Paul Homasson M.D.,

By Jean-Pierre Bonniot (auth.), Jean-Paul Homasson M.D., Nicholas Bell M.D. (eds.)

ISBN-10: 2817808800

ISBN-13: 9782817808802

ISBN-10: 2817808827

ISBN-13: 9782817808826

Cryosurgery is a technique of remedy that makes use of therapy may be considered simply and at widespread freezing temperatures to accomplish particular results durations. notwithstanding endoscopic cryosurgical tech­ on tissues. based upon the means of niques have been used for the therapy of prostatic remedy, the tissue reaction varies from an in­ illness and of laryngeal affliction, the limited flammatory response, that's linked to a visualization of the lesion, in addition to a few limi­ minor freezing harm, to the damaging impression tations in equipment, precluded persevered de­ that is attribute of critical freezing damage. velopment at the moment. within the following years, a few early makes use of of Cryosurgical remedies require using detailed gear cooled by means of cryogenic brokers to provide cryosurgery have fallen into disfavor, as a rule be­ the freezing temperatures important within the tissues. explanation for potent competing tools of thera­ as with every different approach to remedy, the physi­ py, yet different makes use of of cryosurgery became cian needs to position emphasis at the number of ap­ a part of general scientific perform, as demonstrat­ propriate sufferers, at the cautious decision ed by means of incorporation into textbooks of surgical procedure and its specialities. this present day, the widely permitted of the character and volume of illness, and on pre­ cise cryosurgical process so as to in achieving makes use of of cryosurgery are for the remedy of many sorts of dermis illness, together with melanoma, for the nice results.

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US Patent 453137 July 25. Rubinsky B, DeVries AL (1985) Effect of ice crystal habit on the viability of glycerol-protected red blood cells. Cryobiology 26 : 580 26. Beckman J, Korber C, Ran G, Hubel A, Cravalho EC (1990) Redefining cooling rate in terms of ice front velocity and thermal gradient : first evi- Boris Rubinsky 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. dence of relevance of freezing injury in lymphocytes. Cryobiology 27 : 279-287 Bank H (1973) Visualization of freezing damage, structural alteration during warming.

J Gen Physiol 47 : 347-369 14. Mazur P (1970) Cryobiology: the freezing of biological systems. Science 168 : 939-949 15. Diller KR, Cravalho EG (1971) An experimental study of freezing and thawing processes in biological cells. Cryobiology 7: 191-199 16. Diller KR (1982) Quantitative low temperature optical microscopy of biological systems. J Microscopy 126: 9-28 17. Turnbull D (1969) Under what conditions can a glass be formed? Contemp Physics 10: 473-488 18. Lovelock JE (1953) The mechanism of the protective action of glycerol against haemolysis by freezing and thawing.

The histological appearances were the same whether the freezing was produced externally to the exposed trachea or else endoscopically using a cryoprobe. There was complete mucosal recovery after 4 weeks. Following this the same workers [7] studied the effect of freezing on lung tissue in ten animals by thoracotomy and multiple applications of a cryoprobe. The lesions produced were very similar to an acute haemorrhagic infarct with complete collapse and a fibrosis of the surrounding pulmonary tissue with several areas of haemorrhagic necrosis.

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Cryotherapy in Chest Medicine by Jean-Pierre Bonniot (auth.), Jean-Paul Homasson M.D., Nicholas Bell M.D. (eds.)

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