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By Russell Keat

ISBN-10: 0312236107

ISBN-13: 9780312236106

In Cultural associations and the boundaries of the industry, Russell Keat offers a theoretical problem to contemporary extensions of the marketplace area and the creation of commercially modeled sorts of organisations in parts akin to broadcasting, the humanities, and educational learn. Drawing on Walzer's pluralistic perception of social items and MacIntyre's account of social practices, he argues that cultural actions of this type, and the associations during which they're carried out, can top make designated contributions to human health while shielded from the dangerous results of an unbounded industry.

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Instead it points to a conflict within the local culture which needs to be resolved in a certain direction if such 缸1 alternative is to be adopted, but wi吐lout indica技ng how such a resolution might be achieved through the proposed vehicle of d凹10cratic poli位 cal debate. The claims 1 have made here also have someαitical implications for Sagoff' s contrasts between the roles of citizen and consumer, and the pursuit of private as opposed to public interests. As citizens , he says , we are concerned with the public interest, with our conception of the good society.

The 0由er (ii) has to do with their claiming that the river has some valu世 'over and above' such a contribution to their own well “ being: for example, by contributing to 也at of 0也 er people,肘 'in位insical妙, (i. e. , in non儡anthropocentric terms). Type (ii) judgements would 勾rpically involve clairns that it is morally right or desirable to preserve the river in its unpolluted form; but this would be less appropriate in 位le case of (i). Now 1 would suggest that what Sagoff regards as the categorymistake applies to (ii) , but not to (i).

However, Cítíz臼15, COn5Umer5 mld the EnvíTO llI llent 57 whilst 1 agree with Sagoff in objecting to this approach, 1 think it is worth distinguishing between two significantly different errors at work her巴, only one of which is captured by Sagoff's conception of a category-mistake. Let us return to the river pollution ex在mple. We can dis位nguish here between two kinds of judgements that people may make about the river's value. The first (i) relates to the ways in which 也e unpolluted river contributes to their own well-being, as individuals (for instance, 也rough the opportuni位的 it offers them for aesthetic enjoyment).

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Cultural Goods and the Limits of the Market: Beyond Commercial Modelling by Russell Keat

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