Download e-book for iPad: e-Enterprise: Business Models, Architecture, and Components by Faisal Hoque

By Faisal Hoque

ISBN-10: 052177487X

ISBN-13: 9780521774871

How does an organization reach the unstable global of e-commerce? the true problem is to completely leverage the potential for the net as a way to construction an agile company. In e-Enterprise Faisal Hoque presents a company imaginative and prescient and a technological technique for construction an agile, electronically-based company utilizing reusable parts. aimed toward CIOs, CEOs, and technologists alike, e-Enterprise explores the strategic demanding situations confronted by way of businesses as they embody enterprise within the networked economic climate of the long run. It takes a step past the straightforward transaction-based e-commerce version and exhibits how a enterprise can really benefit from swiftly evolving expertise.

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Regardless of the extent co which it is adopted, however, dynamic pricing still will be only one element of a buying decision: availability, perceived quality and service remain important factors in any customer decision. The promises for Internee commerce are astounding, and few dare co predict anything but wild success for business online. However, before businesses move coward e-Enterprises, cercain important bar­ riers muse first be overcome. Tilburg University's Infolab in The Netherlands points our chat e-Enterprise aims co support companies' complete external business processes, including the information stage (electronic marketing, net­ working), negotiation stage (electronic markets), fulfillment (order processing, electronic payment), and the satisfaction stage (after-sales support).

Superficially, the result is the same: the "you" of today and "you" of one hundred years ago both ended up with the book you wanted at (we assume) a reasonable price. There is, however, an important dis­ tinction. The "you" of today has been part of a transaction. The "you" of yesterday is part of a business relationship. What's the difference, you ask? "Transactions are the equivalent of buying coffee at a 7-Eleven," Peter G. W. "2 How, then, do the Net and e-Enterprise facilitate business rela­ tionships rather than transactions?

From Net Commerce to e-Enterprise H E-ENTERPRISE: WHERE TO BEGIN? com pure Nee play, the fact that you have picked up chis book suggests chat you are scurrying co morph your company into the next phase of Nee commerce. If che ultimate goal is co become an e-Encer­ prise, how do you gee there? All too many attempts so far have been characterized by wasteful chaos, confusion, and a lack of strategy and planning. The approach seems to have been "Ready, Fire! . " sequence. This means being able co plan and prepare for a launch based on a new business model within a very short cycle time (for example, three co six months for a new business model as opposed co 24 to 36 months).

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e-Enterprise: Business Models, Architecture, and Components by Faisal Hoque

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