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By Tanu Sharma, Anil Sehrawat

ISBN-10: 365963123X

ISBN-13: 9783659631238

Emotional intelligence is a subject of curiosity for either academia and undefined. Claims were made in regards to the function and significance of emotional intelligence in own lifestyles. lots of the empirical evidences supplied for those claims approximately emotional intelligence belong to the constructed global. This research is an attempt to supply an Indian standpoint at the function of emotional intelligence in potent management and clash solution.

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2000; George, 2000). Emotionally intelligent individuals tend to be aware of their emotions and what impact their emotions will have on others (Mayer and Salovey, 1997). The ability of leaders to understand the impact of their behaviour on the emotions of their followers, and the ability to understand that certain situations may elicit particular emotional responses, helps in situations where the leaders were providing feedback to followers. When leaders possess the ability to understand the emotions of their followers, they may carefully provide criticism (Megerian and Sosik, 1996).

Bocchino (1999) described intrapersonal intelligence as the sense of self-awareness that enables us to assume the third person, to observe ourselves, our emotions and behaviours, and to be aware of the insights we receive as a result of that observation. An insightful leader exhibits intrapersonal aspects of emotional intelligence. Among them are included self-awareness, self-regulation, and the motivation to succeed. Goleman (1998a) suggested that the higher one goes up in the leadership hierarchy, the more important emotional intelligence competencies become.

Researchers Within the conflict domain have identified a number of conflict management styles and their role in satisfactory management and resolution 51 of conflicts has been identified (Blake and Mouton 1964; Pruitt and Rubin 1986; Putnam and Poole 1987; Thomas 1976, 1992b; Wall and Callister 1995).

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Emotional Intelligence, Leadership and Conflict Management by Tanu Sharma, Anil Sehrawat

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