Download PDF by Ben Dewey: Getting Started with Metro Apps: A Guide to the Windows

Example 3-20. Add(settingsCommand); } While the ApplicationSettings class stores settings for application state it is also used to store the user settings for the application.

The Shell) as a form of master page or master layout where I can place common UI elements across all pages. Example 3-9. xaml file. The purpose of the Shell and the reason I am using a Frame can be seen in Figure 3-3. The Bing Image Search app will use a consistent title and back button across all pages. The Shell will also be used for the preferences page, which will be available from any page. cs file. info required to initialize your Shell page. In addition to creating the new control and assigning it to the Window, the OnLaunching event registers the frame with the ViewModel Locator's NavigationService.

For this reason many command handlers have a simple action which sends the required message to the MessageHub for processing. com/) is a set of guidelines produced by Microsoft’s Patterns and Practices team for guidance on building applications in WPF. com/). info Example 3-5. Defining a Command public SearchHistoryViewModel(/* insert depedencies here */) { SearchCommand = new DelegateCommand(Search); } public void Search() { // Send a message to the MessageHub. NET community and make the process of configuring types for your application quite easy.

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Getting Started with Metro Apps: A Guide to the Windows Runtime by Ben Dewey

by Steven

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