Download PDF by Diana C. Mutz: Impersonal Influence: How Perceptions of Mass Collectives

By Diana C. Mutz

ISBN-10: 0521631327

ISBN-13: 9780521631327

Impersonal impression is set how everyone is plagued by their perceptions of the collective reviews or reviews of others--things akin to the well-publicized result of opinion polls (in the case of others' opinions), or media's insurance of the collective reviews of others (such because the volume to which others are experiencing monetary difficulties or are being victimized through crimes). Media content material is especially compatible to serving as a reputable channel of data approximately large-scale collective phenomena. assurance of the collective reviews (in the case of perceptions of social difficulties comparable to crime or unemployment) alters people's political attitudes in mind-blowing, but sophisticated methods. all these results have vital implications for the standard of public opinion and the responsibility of political leaders in a mass mediated democracy.

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In Part II, I examine the role of perceptions of mass experience in influencing political attitudes. How, for example, do people's perceptions of crime or unemployment as collective-level problems influence their political attitudes? Consistent with previous research, I find that perceptions of collective-level experience matter more to political attitudes than people's personal experiences. This finding persists even beyond the well-documented economic realm. Do mass media either facilitate or inhibit the politicization of personal experiences?

In the former case, the danger is that people will respond to perceptions of a 23 Theory and Historical Context false social environment; in the latter, that independence of judgment will be compromised through social pressures emanating from mediated representations of others' views. But in order to evaluate these risks properly, it is important to consider the alternative mechanisms that might lead to greater accountability than would a system depending upon media. With respect to the prospects for holding leaders accountable for the effects their policies have on citizens' collective experience, two specific possibilities are considered at length in Chapter 9: a politics rooted in the politicization of personal experience and communitarian approaches that emphasize renewing local community politics and institutions.

Moreover, many contemporary representations of the state of mass collectives are based on compilations of statistical information that lend them a ring of legitimacy and authority. In short, they are ideally positioned to play an important role in influencing American political behavior. On first consideration, those familiar with the social psychology literature documenting the general neglect of base rate information may doubt the relevance of people's perceptions of mass collectives to their political attitudes.

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Impersonal Influence: How Perceptions of Mass Collectives Affect Political Attitudes by Diana C. Mutz

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