Download e-book for kindle: Mainstreaming Islam in Indonesia: Television, Identity & the by Inaya Rakhmani

By Inaya Rakhmani

ISBN-10: 1137548800

ISBN-13: 9781137548801

This leading edge ebook considers the query of Islam and commercialisation in Indonesia, a majority Muslim, non-Arab nation. Revealing the cultural heterogeneity in the back of emerging Islamism in a democratizing society, it highlights the case of tv construction and the id of its audience. Drawing from targeted case experiences from throughout islands within the varied archipelagic kingdom, it contends that advertisement tv has democratised the connection among Islamic authority and the Muslim congregation, and investigates the responses of the heterogeneous center category in the direction of advertisement da’wah. by means of taking the case of industrial tv, the publication argues that what's happening in Indonesia is much less relating to Islamic ideologisation than it's a symbiosis among Muslim heart category anxieties and the workings of industry forces. It examines the net of relationships that hyperlinks Islamic expression, advertisement tv, and nationwide mind's eye, arguing that the commercialisation of Islam via nationwide tv discloses unrequited expectancies of equality among ethnic and spiritual teams in addition to among regions.

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This emergence of local kingdoms parallels the general problems with regional autonomy.  711). com 22 I. RAKHMANI and policymaking that is quick to readjust to the needs of the industry (Nugroho et al.  37). A television broadcasting model that sides with public interest conflicts with the centralised business models applied within the commercial system (d’Haenens et al. 1999; Hollander et al. 2009; Armando 2014). The television industry, represented by six associations5 and led by the Association of Indonesian Private Television Stations (ATVSI—Asosiasi Televisi Swasta Indonesia), joined forces and demanded the Constitutional Court (MK—Mahkamah Konstitusi) that only the government has the role to detail the content of the regulation through the government regulation no.

2 But in a formerly authoritarian country whose national economic development was based on social stability achieved through the invention of a u ­ nifying national culture, the rising popularity of Islamic television drama and many other Islamic-themed television shows caused a social disruption. com TELEVISION AND THE DA’WAH SUPERMARKET 35 Punjabi’s attempt at producing Islamic television drama was significant for two reasons. First, as a businessperson with resources in television production, he accurately identified the apolitical consumption practice of middle-class Muslims.

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Mainstreaming Islam in Indonesia: Television, Identity & the Middle Class by Inaya Rakhmani

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