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By Sheila Connolly

ISBN-10: 143623932X

ISBN-13: 9781436239325

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She dumped her coat on the back of a chair, then, holding her breath, helped herself to a glass of juice and fled back to the dining room table, trying to sort out what had just happened. She felt a small bubble of glee well up inside her: she had stood up to Chandler. She had said no to him. Let him find someone else to spy on this town. And there was more: she felt proud of her decision. Maybe she was finally done with Chandler. She was wrong. 4 It was still a few minutes shy of eight o'clock the next morning when Meg heard a vehicle pull into her driveway.

This house would be great for a small family, if the school district was any good. Meg had no idea about that. And she liked Frances's idea about researching the place. Maybe some famous person had lived here or slept here or walked by here, and that might make a buyer overlook a few of the house's more egregious shortcomings. Maybe the blooming orchard would distract the buyers from the peeling paint. May. Right now she was going to concentrate on being ready to sell by May. 3 Lunch was out of the question--she wasn't going near the reeking kitchen right now.

And scarf. And hat. Taking a walk in western Massachusetts in winter involved a lot of preparation. She slipped her cell phone into her pocket along with her house keys, and returned to the waiting Christopher, who was bouncing like an eager spaniel. " Outside, Meg pulled her balky door shut and followed Christopher as he set off at a brisk pace, up the low rise toward what he had informed her was west. When he noticed her lagging behind, he slowed and waited for her to catch up. "Forgive me. I spend so much time outside like this, I forget that some people aren't as accustomed as I.

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Orchard Mysteries 01 One Bad Apple by Sheila Connolly

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