New PDF release: The Regulation of Sex-Themed Visual Imagery: From Clay

By Lyombe Eko

ISBN-10: 1137550988

ISBN-13: 9781137550989

ISBN-10: 1349577812

ISBN-13: 9781349577811

Lyombe Eko contains out an ancient and cultural survey of the law of visible depictions of particular human sexual behavior from their earliest visual appeal at the clay drugs of the valley of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in historical Mesopotamia, to the pill pcs of Silicon Valley. The law of Sex-Themed visible Imagery analyzes the modern challenge of the applicability of the human correct of freedom of expression to specific imagery within the face of societal pursuits within the law of representations of human sexuality. This publication may be of curiosity to students, scholars, and huge audiences drawn to comparative experiences in pornography law, the historical past of pornography, the legislation of pornography and obscenity, and visible tradition and background alike.

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Furthermore, unearthed visual imagery shows that some of the peoples of the region made adoration of the female principle the impetus of an “erotic-religious union” (Keuls, 1985, p. 50). This consisted of sacred prostitution in which male and female temple prostitutes performed sex acts with worshippers as part of religious 44 THE REGULATION OF SEX-THEMED VISUAL IMAGERY sacraments. In his essay, “Mother Right,” Swiss scholar Johann J. Bachofen (1967) advanced the notion that from the earliest stages of their social and cultural development, human beings have venerated the “female principle” as the giver of life (p.

Deterritorialization is not a passive or even accidental process. Communicators are change agents and active promoters of the deterritorialization of ideas and values. The early Christian church, led by St. Paul, deterritorialized Judeo-Christian sexual values of sin, obscenity, and morality from Palestine to the Greco-Roman Empire. That deterritorialization changed Europe profoundly. Today, many countries, including China, Cuba, and North Korea, block the Internet because they fear it will deterritorialize and spread Western ideas about democracy and freedom to their countries.

S. Lewis. Agape love is one of four types of love—and they are all grounded in the Greek culture—that appear in the Greek New Testament. C. S. Lewis (1960) described the four types of Christian love as familial love (affection or fondness through biological and social closeness), filial love (friendship between brothers and friends), Eros (romantic love), and agape (other-directed charity or God’s love). Lewis (1960) distinguished the Christian Eros from the raw, instinctual, animalistic sexuality represented by the Greek goddess Aphrodite (Venus is her Roman equivalent).

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The Regulation of Sex-Themed Visual Imagery: From Clay Tablets to Tablet Computers by Lyombe Eko

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