Download e-book for kindle: Predicting Malicious Behavior: Tools and Techniques for by Gary M. Jackson

By Gary M. Jackson

ISBN-10: 1118226259

ISBN-13: 9781118226254

A groundbreaking exploration of ways to spot and struggle defense threats at each level

This progressive ebook combines real-world safeguard eventualities with real instruments to foretell and stop incidents of terrorism, community hacking, person legal habit, and extra. Written by way of a professional with intelligence officer event who invented the expertise, it explores the keys to figuring out the darkish part of human nature, quite a few kinds of defense threats (current and potential), and the way to build a strategy to foretell and wrestle malicious habit. The significant other CD demonstrates on hand detection and prediction structures and offers a walkthrough on find out how to behavior a predictive research that highlights proactive safety measures.

• publications you thru the method of predicting malicious habit, utilizing actual global examples and the way malicious habit will be avoided within the future
• Illustrates how you can comprehend malicious reason, dissect habit, and follow the to be had instruments and techniques for reinforcing security
• Covers the method for predicting malicious habit, the best way to practice a predictive method, and instruments for predicting the chance of household and international threats
• CD contains a sequence of walkthroughs demonstrating how you can receive a predictive research and the way to take advantage of a variety of to be had instruments, together with computerized habit Analysis

Predicting Malicious Behavior fuses the behavioral and laptop sciences to enlighten a person interested in defense and to help execs in protecting our global more secure.

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Sample text

Actions and past terrorist events, as well as receiving training, being provided with a bomb, having a plan for using the bomb, arranging a flight, and boarding the plane. These events can be counted, measured in length of time, and, as such, form the basis of a scientific analysis. Reid’s bombing attempt can be viewed as a behavioral chain. Such a chain occurs as a series of antecedents (A), behavior (B), and consequences (C). In a behavioral chain, consequences of the first behavior, if successful, serve as antecedents to the second behavior, which then has consequences, as shown in Figure 1-1.

This section provides the basics of AuBA as applied to such examples as terrorism, serial murder, cyber threat, and other forms of individual and group malicious and threatening behavior. This section provides the basics of AuBA as a new technology to predict future malicious behavior accurately and consistently. Although this serves as an introduction to the diversity of the adversary from an AuBA perspective, AuBA tools and techniques are also introduced. This part includes the following chapters: Chapter 1: “Analyzing the Malicious Individual” Chapter 2: “Analyzing the Malicious Group” Chapter 3: “Analyzing Country-Level Threats” Chapter 4: “Threats and Security Nightmares: Our Current Reactive State of Security” Chapter 5: “Current Network Security” Chapter 6: “Future Threats to Our National Security” Part II: Dissecting Malicious Behavior This second section of the book provides a drill down into the specific and powerful principles of human behavior that form the foundation of AuBA.

He too was apprehended. The incident received widespread media coverage, which contained the perpetrator’s message. Even if the underwear bombing was modeled after the shoe bombing, it is our experience that modeled behavior is just that — only the behavior is copied. The second person commits similar terrorist behavior but in reaction to antecedents that fit his cause and context. The consequences may be very different. In this way we can see similar terrorist attacks from different groups in response to different antecedents.

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Predicting Malicious Behavior: Tools and Techniques for Ensuring Global Security by Gary M. Jackson

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