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By H. J. Harrington, Daryl Conner, Nicholas L. Horney, H. James Harrington, Darryl R. Conner

ISBN-10: 0070271046

ISBN-13: 9780070271043

Featuring insights into "Ernst & Young's" field-tested formal and systematic methods, this article demonstrates how human source managers can learn, assessment, and successfully encourage staff to just accept switch as a problem instead of a risk.

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Both projects are seen as business imperatives, but run the risk of failing due to the amount of time and resources required by each to be successful. Often, the time and resources for projects of this magnitude come from the same departments, which are already stretched in dealing with the daily workload. As a result, many line managers impacted by these business imperatives find it more and more difficult to successfully implement these rapid-fire initiatives. The outcome generally will be reduced productivity among employees and managers as well as across departments, functions, and the enterprise as a whole.

Proactive individuals seek challenges rather than avoid them and Project Change Management respond to disruption by investing energy in problem solving rather than withdrawing. In contrast, people who place an extremely high value on certainty, stability, and security may pass up valuable opportunities while waiting for a "sure thing" to come along. Key Indicators. People who are proactive: Actively engage change F Take reasonable risks F Are willing to try new activities F Don't continually strive for predictability and stability F Resilience Characteristics in Combination.

People who areflexible in their thoughts: b b b b Have high tolerance for ambiguity Feel comfortable dealing with paradoxes Are capable of seeing things from different perspectives, are open-minded Avoid "black or white" thinking Flexible social refers to the ability to draw on the resources of others. Research indicates that highly resilient people recognize their interdependence with others. They are characterized by strong social bonds that they can rely on for support during difficult times.

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Project Change Management by H. J. Harrington, Daryl Conner, Nicholas L. Horney, H. James Harrington, Darryl R. Conner

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