Seed Dispersal and Frugivory by D J Levey, W R Silva, M Galetti PDF

By D J Levey, W R Silva, M Galetti

ISBN-10: 085199525X

ISBN-13: 9780851995250

Till lately, the creation of end result via vegetation, their intake through animals (frugivory) and the relevance of those to seed dispersal have attracted much less consciousness than themes akin to pollination biology. even though, because the Seventies they've got began to achieve extra prominence and now provide upward thrust to extra study investment, seminal papers and foreign symposiums. This e-book comprises chapters tailored from the 3rd overseas Symposium-Workshop on Frugivores and Seed Dispersal held in August 2000 in Rio Quente, Brazil.

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1979) Tree dispersion, abundance, and diversity in a tropical dry forest. Science 203, 1299–1309. H. B. (1986) Biology, chance, and history and the structure of tropical rain forest tree communities. In: Diamond, J. J. (eds) Community Ecology. Harper and Row, New York, pp. 314–329. J. and Loo de Lao, S. (1999) Light-gap disturbances, recruitment limitation, and tree diversity in a Neotropical forest. Science 283, 554–557. C. W. (1995) The consequences of recruitment limitation: reconciling chance, history, and competitive differences between plants.

Exactly what the deterministic forces are that bring about the large-scale patterning of tropical tree communities remains to be elucidated, but we can hardly doubt that the structure of the animal community is an important component of the puzzle. g. seed predation) control which seeds among the hundreds that fall in a given microsite survive and prosper. None of the existing theories of plant diversity incorporates this kind of scale-dependent complexity. Our analysis of tree distribution at the landscape scale comes to a very different conclusion from Gentry’s (1988).

1994) Distribution of Pteridophyta and Melastomataceae along an edaphic gradient in an Amazonian rain forest. Journal of Vegetation Science 5, 25–34. J. Terborgh et al. , Danjoy, W. and Rodriguez, Z. (1995) Dissecting Amazonian biodiversity. Science 269, 63–66. , R. (1997) Flórula de las reservas biológicas de Iquitos, Perú. Missouri Botanical Garden, St Louis, Missouri. G. (2000) Seed dispersal, seed predation, and seedling recruitment of a Neotropical montane tree. Ecological Monographs 70, 331–351.

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Seed Dispersal and Frugivory by D J Levey, W R Silva, M Galetti

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