Download e-book for kindle: Smart negotiating: it's a done deal by John Patrick Dolan

By John Patrick Dolan

ISBN-10: 1599180030

ISBN-13: 9781599180038

Negotiate something with those can't-miss strategies: * the main important—and so much overlooked—step within the negotiating strategy * find out how to counteract strain strategies resembling intimidation, manipulations and bluffing * the #1 cause negotiations holiday down—and how one can stay away from it * Which approach will continuously placed you within the most powerful bargaining place * Six confirmed how you can holiday an deadlock * the right way to learn your opponent and modify your process

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Over the years, I’ve developed what I call the Dolan Strategy. This strategy is based on my experiences as a lawyer and businessman, and on my observation of other expert negotiators. The most important thing is that it works well for me. I share it with you because you can adapt it to your own style and personality, and get the same positive results I do. My strategy follows a series of simple, logical steps, which I describe in the following section. • • 10 • • • • O NE : T HE D OLAN S TRATEGY FOR E FFECTIVE N EGOTIATION • • • Step 1: Always Be Prepared All effective negotiations begin before you get to the bargaining table.

How do you handle such a situation? Make a noncommittal show of interest to find out what’s behind the remark. ” That says you’re willing to negotiate, but it doesn’t commit you to anything except talking about it. ” That sends the message that you want to be cooperative, but that you don’t plan to make an ill-considered decision. Once you set up a definite time to talk about the proposed move, find out everything you can about what such a move would mean for you—both short term and long term. In other words, if you think it’s to your advantage to explore an offer or a request, try to find a way to keep the door open without making any commitments.

Maybe you won’t have another opportunity to work together. Talking about the “next time” is a nonissue and it only complicates matters. Stick with the present situation and design a solution with the information and resources you have now. Other times, people will spew out a smoke screen to distract or mislead you. Remember, knowledge is power. Some people think that if they withhold information or misinform you, they will have an advantage over you. I have two excellent tactics for clearing away smoke screens.

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Smart negotiating: it's a done deal by John Patrick Dolan

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