L. Bellantoni's The Triple Helix: The Soul of Bioethics PDF

By L. Bellantoni

ISBN-10: 0230343546

ISBN-13: 9780230343542

ISBN-10: 1349336645

ISBN-13: 9781349336647

Lisa Bellantoni argues that modern bioethics divides into logically incommensurable positions: a cult of rights, which identifies the value of human lifestyles with our autonomy, and a cult of lifestyles, which identifies human worthy with the ownership of a soul, and thereby, of human dignity.

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It insists unintelligibly both that persons bear inalienable worth, and that how persons are brought into being, empirically, can somehow affect that worth. It may seem odd here to accuse cult of life defenders of ignoring the moral import of how persons come into being. They are, after all, obsessed with defending natural norms of human pro-creation, as over against the cult of right’s defense of pro-creative liberty. Yet insofar as God creates inviolable souls ex nihilo, natural norms attach not to supernatural persons but only to their embodied contingencies.

Here, the objection is less to the means of reproduction than to the intent and likely result. To produce children with one’s specific ends in view, they maintain, contravenes the children’s autonomy. That charge, however, holds only if the children’s autonomy can be affected by genetic modification. Yet the relation they envision between the empirical features of one’s agency, such as one’s genes, and one’s autonomous, self-directing capacity are Getting Too Personal? 35 no less shrouded in mystery.

41 we’re already given by nature, whereas cloning and the like are not. Among nature’s many gifts, we simply do not find syringes, intravenous drips and the like. Nor should the oft-mentioned recourse to the claim that nature is a pharmacy confuse the issue: knowledge and use of these available compounds and materials requires organized bodies of knowledge at least, and quite often, extensive laboratory processes, refining and other technological interventions. Moreover, while it may be true that the compounds’ components occur naturally, so too do the components of a cloned embryo.

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The Triple Helix: The Soul of Bioethics by L. Bellantoni

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