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By Bryony Close, R. Coomber, Anthony Hubbard, John Illingworth

ISBN-10: 0203211898

ISBN-13: 9780203211892

ISBN-10: 0203290534

ISBN-13: 9780203290538

ISBN-10: 0748403973

ISBN-13: 9780748403974

This article discusses using volunteers, both fit or present process therapy, within the examine and checking out of medicinal and non-medicinal items. the level to which the enhanced use of such volunteers may well decrease the necessity for animal exams is

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Extra info for Volunteers in Research and Testing

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This has been done by a contract drug company that runs on the premises of Ninewells Hospital who advertised for obese subjects to take part in a study. They were absolutely overwhelmed by the response of the public who wanted to get slim at someone else’s expense. Payment is an issue, but it should not be mentioned in any attempt to recruit. Subjects need to be able to give legally valid consent, need to be fully and properly informed, and they must know that they have the opportunity to withdraw at any time for whatever reason.

Not everyone on the committee has expertise in all fields considered by the committee. Should volunteers and others who take part in experiments be able to be proactive in deciding in a community what kind of experiments should be undertaken? For example, at the moment, a lot of experiments are undertaken because a drug firm is interested in a particular drug, or medical professionals may be interested in a particular line of research. It may not be what the community wants. There may be thousands of people with chronic fatigue syndrome which they want researched and yet it is dismissed because it may have a low profile in the medical community or may not be something the drug firms want to investigate.

1990, Survival of patients with breast cancer attending Bristol Cancer Help Centre, Lancet, 336 (8715), 606–10. CERES, 1994, Spreading the word on research or patient information: how can we get it better? London: CERES, PO Box 1365, London N16 0BW. 50. Lancet, 1990, Comments: Sept. 15, 336 (8716) 636; Sept. 22, 336 (8717) 743–4; Nov. 10, 336 (8724) 1185–8. 1991, Comments: Nov. 30, 338 (8779) 1401–2. , 1992, Answering back: the role of respondents on women’s health research, in Women’s Health Matters, London: Routledge, 176–92.

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Volunteers in Research and Testing by Bryony Close, R. Coomber, Anthony Hubbard, John Illingworth

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