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By William Smothers

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The Po,-dependency of the resistance shown in Fig. ' These single crystal measurements were limited to T>600"C because of the very long equilibration times required at lower temperatures. The data suggest that at least for T<400"-500"C, the changes in the TiO, resistance are due to the reduction/ oxidation of the bulk of the material. Although the data at lower temperatures are also consistent with bulk properties, the possibility of surfaces effects at the lower temperatures cannot be excluded.

Dueker, K. Friese, and W. ” SAE Congress, Paper 750223, February 24, 1975, Detroit, Mich. ‘D. Eddy. “Physical Principles of the Zirconia Exhaust Gas Sensor, ” I E E E Trans. Veh. Techno/. VT-23 [4] 125-28 (1974). ‘E. Hamann, H. Manger, a n d L . Steinke. “Lambda-Sensor with Y,O-Stabilized 210,-Ceramic,” SAE Congress, Paper 770401, February 28. 1977. Detroit, Mich. ’W. ” SAE Congress, Paper 770400, February 28, 1977, Detroit, Mich. * J . Newman, Elecrrochemicul Sysrems; pp. 184-87. , 1973. 9K. Vetter, Electrochemical Kinetics: Theoretical and Experimental Aspects; pp.

Figure 1 illustrates the manner of the flux reversals within the Wiegand wire when it is subjected to the external symmetric drive field of Fig. 2. Similarly, Fig. 3 depicts the flux switching within the wire when subjected to the asymmetric drive field of Fig. 4. Figure 5 shows the typical positive pulse in this latter mode. The ability of the Wiegand effect to provide such voltage pulses, typically in response only to relative motion between the Wiegand wire and an external magnetic field, gives rise to a number of useful applications.

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8th Automotive Materials Conference by William Smothers

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