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By John H. Sailhamer

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Additional info for A Grammar of Biblical (Tanak) Hebrew

Example text

12) 1~1 24) 1'1\"-"' "' ~~]? 3. :::> I (305Ix) as/like a. ~~ "as/like a king" (Job 15:24). ~~ "as/like the king" (not attested in OT). b. a man W"~~ +~as/like results in tV"~~~ "as/like a man" (Num 14:15) or with an article lV'~~i> "as/like the man" (Judges 8:21). c. 4. \tte.. Ct. '0P:""' ) J (from) may or may not be attached to its object. If attached, the nun characteristically assimilates to the following consonant. ). ~ 0. If the first consonant of the noun can be doubled (that is, it is not a Gutteral), then there is progressive lengthening of that consonant.

4. 2. The Construct State When a noun is linked to another noun (noun+noun), the first noun is put in the Construct State. Often the two nouns are connected by a maqqef ( - ) and the accent shifts to the second word. The accent can shift to the second word without the maqqe£ The shift of accent is a characteristic marker of the Construct State. 1. 2. 3. The (Masculine Plural) Construct State \1)'0 ----· ~ CDfY'w'IJv'. :if~ -r il"'lir-liJ ~"1:;11 ''the words of the Torah" (Deut 17: 19) r\. ,. -L.

Or 1st Person . ~:JJ~ . T ( ""'

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A Grammar of Biblical (Tanak) Hebrew by John H. Sailhamer

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