Download e-book for kindle: An Introduction to Mission Design for Geostationary by J.J. Pocha

By J.J. Pocha

ISBN-10: 9400938578

ISBN-13: 9789400938571

ISBN-10: 9401082154

ISBN-13: 9789401082150

` The publication is a good written and is appropriate for a vast variety of readers from scholars to managers attracted to studying concerning the undertaking layout challenge and research strategies for the geo-synchronous orbit. '
Canadian Aeronautics and house magazine, March 1988

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The ground network, therefore, has about two hours or less to track the spacecraft and determine the orbit elements. Great accuracy is not required, and it suffices to know the perigee height to within about ±5 km. 5 Orbit Determination Requirements 49 Perigee ralsll1g manoeuvres are more likely to be required with expendable launch vehicles than with the Shuttle for two reasons. Firstly, the Shuttle has already established the parking orbit, which essentially determines perigee height. Secondly, the height of the Parking Orbit is significantly higher than the perigee height achieved by expendable launch vehicles (296 km compared to 200 km for Ariane).

The optimisation is performed by computer, on the following parameters: • • • • transfer orbit apogee height, transfer orbit inclination, transfer orbit argument of perigee, apogee boost motor propellant mass. The optimisation algorithm takes account of operational constraints, such as the requirement to make provision for an opportunity for a back-up manoeuvre in addition to the prime one. It includes an operationally viable apogee motor firing strategy and a station-acquisition strategy. A further effect to be considered is the influence of non-nominal launch vehicle performance.

330-333 and 340. (i) Parfitt, 1. 2, Summer 1986. H. : 1979, "Launch Window for a Shuttle-Based Geosynchronous Orbit Mission", J. 439-441. l Introduction The function of the transfer orbit is to take the spacecraft up to geosynchronous altitude for the purpose of performing the apogee manoeavre. The transfer orbit is the intermediate stage in a Hohman Transfer manoeuvre between the nearEarth, circular, parking orbit and the geosynchronous orbit, and as such, one apse is at parking orbit altitude, while the other is at geosynchronous orbit altitude.

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An Introduction to Mission Design for Geostationary Satellites by J.J. Pocha

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