Jean-Pierre Paillet, André Dugas's Approaches to Syntax PDF

By Jean-Pierre Paillet, André Dugas

ISBN-10: 902723115X

ISBN-13: 9789027231154

This quantity is an better model of the English translation from the French unique variation 'Principes d'analyse syntaxique' (Québec, 1973). It presents a survey of theoretical methods to syntax, together with conventional grammars, structuralism, functionalism, and formal ways.

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Because the markers of syntactic organization (agreement, for instance) were so obvious, it was easy to concentrate on them and forget about their real significance. The situation is not the same with many "modern" languages, and one is forced to consider the source in syntax of many regularities which may seem logically unjustified. Tesnière points out that "Any word which is part of a sentence ceases to be isolated as in a dictionary. Between it and its neighbours, the mind perceives connections, which all together form the frame of the sentence".

B. that Simple each function. words) sentences of these Thus the are characterized categories use of is minimal. Complex appears grammatical sentences by the in its markers are derived fact basic (empty from simple sentences by complexification of nuclei. This can TESNIERE'S STRUCTURAL SYNTAX 53 happen in two basic ways. g. in John and Mary like peanuts. g. in Mary bought a silk dress where the substantive silk is used as the determiner of an actant. These phenomena involve special kinds of grammatical markers which Tesnière calls junctives and translatives.

G. agreement) as if is were the structural center. Tesniêre suggests that we should describe this phenomenon exactly in such terms; the verbal node is here occupied by a dissociated nucleus, in which one element carries the structural load, and the other the lexical load, thus: The opposite case happens when some of the actants or even circumstants take the form of "pronouns", or, as Tesniêre calls them more aptly, "indices". , in Paul gave them to John, them does not have the possibility of having dependents: *Paul gave large them to John.

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Approaches to Syntax by Jean-Pierre Paillet, André Dugas

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