Download PDF by Mike Stubblefield: Automotive Heating & Air Conditioning Systems Manual

By Mike Stubblefield

ISBN-10: 1563923815

ISBN-13: 9781563923814

HAYNES #10425 (1480) TECHBOOK FOR car HEATING & AIR. * approach upkeep * TROUBLESHOOTING * fix & specifications

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Pressure-sensitive (cycling) switch (orifice tube type systems) Typical pressure-sensitive (cycling) switch (arrow), located on accumulator The pressure-sensitive (cycling) switch (see illustration) senses the pressure on the low side of the system, and uses the pressure as an indicator to evaporator temperature (see illustration). The compressor is then cycled on and off by the switch to control the evaporator temperature. The switch also provides protection against freezing, and stops the compressor when the ambient temperature (and thus the system pressure) is low.

And that's exactly what is meant ! DO NOT try to use a set of R-134a gauges on a R-12 system. And don't try to use a set of R-12 gauges on an R-134a system, either. The fittings are totally different, so each type of gauge is totally incompatible with the fittings and hoses used on the other system. The hoses you select are just as important as the gauges you use them with a cheaply constructed hose can burst, causing serious injury, so make sure you buy high quality hoses from a reputable manufacturer (also, try to purchase hoses that are long enough and have the correct fittings for the system you intend to service).

On Fords, it's attached to the suction fitting. Manifold hand valves A top-of-the-line instrument like this can handle four hoses at one time, allowing you to evacuate or charge the system, or both, without unhooking the other hoses The purpose of the manifold is to control refrigerant flow. When the manifold gauges are attached to the system, pressure is indicated on both gauges at all times during normal conditions. During testing, both the low and high side hand valves are in the closed position (turned clockwise all the way until the valve is seated).

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Automotive Heating & Air Conditioning Systems Manual (Haynes Manuals) by Mike Stubblefield

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