CAD/CAM: Features, Applications and Management - download pdf or read online

By Peter F. Jones

ISBN-10: 0333485327

ISBN-13: 9780333485323

ISBN-10: 1349221414

ISBN-13: 9781349221417

Desktop aided production (CAM) is tested in a pragmatic manner during this ebook by means of Peter Jones. it's assumed that the reader could be involved in a commercially to be had CAD/CAM procedure, meant to be used through designers. this kind of approach frequently presents amenities for the geometry outlined by means of the dressmaker to be switched over into keep watch over directions for numerically managed laptop instruments. This technique is defined and its dating with production strategies is mentioned however the element of half programming computer instruments isn't lined considering the fact that it is often the worry of producing experts. Designers want to know their CAD types can be used to provide info to production yet they won't often be desirous about real programming of the laptop instruments. This booklet starts with an account of ways pcs do their activity for the advantage of older engineers who won't have had the potential of realizing the fundamentals of electronic desktops. the next chapters clarify the benefits and pitfalls of utilizing CAD, in addition to a dialogue of some of the forms of gear to be present in a CAD install. the ultimate part incorporates a presentation of the capabilities of CAD software program. The e-book is designed to supply a technical heritage to comparing and buying a CAD/CAM process.

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Extra info for CAD/CAM: Features, Applications and Management

Example text

The author's preference for medium is lightweight 90 gm cartridge paper. It is strong enough for use in the workshop, has a smooth white surface which makes the drawings look good and is not too expensive. If you use liquid ink ball points you can even dyeline print from it with the exposure turned weIl up. ELECTROSTATIC PLOTTERS Electrostatic plotters use a similar principle to that of photocopiers. 5. The paper is given an electric charge wherever there is to be a mark. It then comes into contact with a fluid containing small black particles of toner at the toner head.

The three beams of electrons are deflected on to their destination on the mask by magnetic ftelds genera ted by coils round the outside of the tube. Two separate sets of coils are provided: designed to produce independent horizontal and vertical deflections. The beams are deflected through, large angles to reach the edges of the screen. The horizontal coils must move the beams at constant speed in straight lines of equallength across the screen and the vertical coils must produce evenly spaced positions of the successive horizontal sweeps.

The designer will sit at a table or desk on which These devices have been installed. This collection of display screens, interactive control devices and furniture, being more complex than a typical computer terminal or personal computer, is usually known as a workstation. A workstation mayaiso include a computer running the CAD software, thus making it almost completely self-contained. Increasingly, the term "workstation" is being used to mean just such a self-contained arrangement. The matter is discussed further in "The computer configuration" on page 59.

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CAD/CAM: Features, Applications and Management by Peter F. Jones

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