Catalan: A Comprehensive Grammar - download pdf or read online

By Max W.Wheeler, Alan Yates and Nicolau Dols

ISBN-10: 0203028503

ISBN-13: 9780203028506

ISBN-10: 0203300270

ISBN-13: 9780203300275

ISBN-10: 0415103428

ISBN-13: 9780415103428

ISBN-10: 0415207770

ISBN-13: 9780415207775

Catalan: A finished Grammar is an entire reference advisor to trendy Catalan grammar, featuring an obtainable and systematic description of the fashionable language. it's the in simple terms finished grammar of the language to be had in EnglishThe Grammar displays the present fact of Catalan through acknowledging nearby range and lines Balearic and Valencian types along the language utilized in the Barcelona region.The mixed expert wisdom of the writer group guarantees a balanced assurance of contemporary Catalan.Features include:* accomplished insurance of all components of speech* a wealth of genuine examples illustrating language issues* recognition to components of specific hassle for these whose first language is English* complete cross-referencing* particular index.

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Sofàs sofa tarannà pl. tarannàs character xa pl. xas shah abecé pl. ) usually used in pl. calés lolly, cash clixé pl. clixés photographic plate, cliché consomé pl. consomés consommé pagaré pl. pagarés promissory note peroné pl. peronés fibula plaqué pl. plaqués gold or silver plate < previous page page_31 next page > < previous page page_32 next page > Page 32 puré pl. purés purée quinqué pl quinqués oil lamp ximpanzé pl. ximpanzés chimpanzee bebè pl. bebès baby cafè pl. cafès coffee canapè pl.

Bengalís Bengali bisturí pl. bisturís scalpel esquí pl. equís ski frenesí pl. ) pl. ) pl. perjuís damage dominó pl. dominós mask, disguise rondó pl. rondós rondo pro pl. pros pro, argument for bambú pl. bambús bamboo hindú pl. hindús Hindu menú pl. menús table d’hôte menú nyu pl. nyus gnu tabú pl. tabús taboo tatú pl. 4 PLURAL OF WORDS ENDING IN UNSTRESSED -e In Valencian, NW Catalan, and some other areas (Ibiza, Alghero) a few words that end in unstressed -e may form plurals in -ns (entailing a written accent on the stressed syllable).

Available for ‘small book’. ) ‘cigarette’, the former much more common, are derived from cigar(ro) ‘cigar’. Almost all personal names admit the diminutive -et/-eta: Estevet ‘little/ young Esteve’, Ramonet/Ramoneta, Quimet (from abbreviation of Joaquim). Una marieta (from Maria ‘Our Lady’) is ‘a ladybird’. Other diminutives These include -ó/-ona, -ol/-ola, -eu/-eva, -etxo/-etxa and -oi/-oia, all more limited in application than -et/eta. Diminutive -ó/-ona (often with gender change) is quite productive: un cafetó would be used when ordering ‘a nice (little) cup of coffee’; pessetones is an affectionate diminutive of pessetes; note also un paretó ‘a low wall’, un cadiró ‘a small chair’, el cordó ‘string’, ‘shoe-lace’ (from corda ‘rope’).

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Catalan: A Comprehensive Grammar by Max W.Wheeler, Alan Yates and Nicolau Dols

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