Read e-book online Comparative studies in word order variation: adverbs, PDF

By Christopher Laenzlinger

ISBN-10: 155619904X

ISBN-13: 9781556199042

ISBN-10: 9027227411

ISBN-13: 9789027227416

Addresses the query of observe order version in Romance languages - in particular French - and in Germanic languages - specially German. The theoretical framework followed is the "Principles & Parameters thought of Transformational Generative Grammar". The empirical contribution of this e-book is to regard 3 linguistically detailed phenomena - adverbs, pronouns and clause constitution - in typologically special periods of languages. the 2 major theoretical recommendations explored are: a version of Checking thought containing ideas and parameters; and a brand new notion of word constitution inside of X-Theory.

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Jean a presque mangé toute la pomme. the apple Jean has nearly eaten all 'Jean nearly ate the whole apple' The other VP-adverbs in (7) are circumstantial adverbs (manner ad­ verbs, result adverbs, instrument adverbs, etc). Adverbs with narrow scope over the verb, as in (15a), are distinct from those with 'wide' scope over the verb and its complement, as in (15b). (15)a. Jean se déplace péniblement. Jean refl move with difficulty 'Jean moves with difficulty' b. Mike Tyson frappa mortellement son adversaire.

Pronouns incorporating in covert syntax, by examining the Dative pronoun loro in Italian and object pronouns in Germanic languages, like German, Dutch, West Flemish and Scandinavian languages. The analysis that distinguishes syntactic clitics from LF-clitics (weak pronouns) is extended to subject pronouns. Proclitic subject pronouns in standard French are analyzed are syntactic clitics, while enclitic subject pronouns are analyzed as LF-clitics. Finally, I investigate the distribution of subject pronouns in Germanic languages, and arrive at the conclusion that subject weak pronouns in enclisie are LF-clitics, while subject pronouns in proclisis are syntactic clitics.

Jean a lu le livre de Chomsky, courageusement. Jean has read the book of Chomsky courageously 'Jean read Chomsky's book courageously' c. Jean, courageusement, a lu le livre de Chomsky. Jean courageously has read the book of Chomsky 'Jean courageously read Chomsky's book' If the adverb courageusement occupies a pre-participial position as in (18a), it is ambiguous. Either it has the reading of a subject-oriented adverb as above or it has the reading of a manner adverb (a VP-adverb: 'John has read Chomsky's book in a courageous manner').

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Comparative studies in word order variation: adverbs, pronouns, and clause structure in Romance and Germanic by Christopher Laenzlinger

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