By Anna Siewierska
ISBN-10: 0511210558
ISBN-13: 9780511210556
ISBN-10: 0521772141
ISBN-13: 9780521772143
ISBN-10: 0521776694
ISBN-13: 9780521776691
Drawing on info from over languages, Anna Siewierska compares using individual inside and throughout assorted languages, and examines the criteria underlying edition. Siewierska demonstrates how individual types range in substance (how huge they are), within the nature of the semantic differences they impart (e.g., gender, quantity, case), and of their use in sentences and discourse. The textbook covers the grammatical type of individual, consisting of the 1st individual (the speaker), the second one individual (the hearer), and the 3rd individual (neither the speaker nor the hearer).
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25) Baale (Yigezu & Dimmendaal 1998:302). 1sg kV- . . -a 2sg V- . . -u 3sg V- . . -a 1pl kV- . . -ta 2pl V- . . -tu 3pl V- . . -iδa Person infixes are very rare and do not tend to involve all verbs or nouns. In Au, a Papuan language of the Torricelli phylum, for example, infixes are found with three out of five classes of transitive verbs. One class has third-person subject infixes (26a), another object infixes (26b) and a third benefactive infixes (26c). The typology of person forms (26) a.
Although some linguists consider clauses such as (22b) as having a null subject, under the analysis adopted here the subject of (22b) is not null or zero but rather the person inflection on the verb. ) The second use of the term zero person marker to be distinguished from the absolute zero sense of the term is for the zero exponent(s) of a pronominal paradigm. Zero person markers in the absolute sense of the term are open to a first-, second- or third-person interpretation (or any combination of these) depending on the context of utterance.
As in Japanese, they do not differ morphologically from nouns (both take no inflectional marking) and exhibit more or less the same modificational possibilities, which include modification by a numeral (20a), demonstrative (20b), quantifier-type expression (20c) and relative clause (20d). (20) a. Thai (Cooke 1968:10) kh´aw sˇaam2 khon3 3 three clf ‘they three’ b. phˇom1 nii2 1:male this ‘∗ this I’ c. raw1 th´aŋ2 lˇaaj3 1 all several ‘we all’ d. raw1 sˆyŋ2 pen’3 khon4 ruaj5 1 who be rich persons ‘we who are rich’ Further, even more so than in Japanese, they do not constitute a closed class.
Person (Cambridge Textbooks in Linguistics) by Anna Siewierska
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