Astm's Role in Performance-Based Fire Codes and Standards by John Raymond Hall PDF

By John Raymond Hall

ISBN-10: 0803126204

ISBN-13: 9780803126206

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Therefore, the committee must provide methodology to lead the way for the development and use of such codes. Coordinate with users and potential users of fire standards to ensure most efficient resolution of their needs. ASTM E-5 must remain alert to evolving global technologies and worldwide customer needs. Its standards will be more suited to the needs of users if wide participation and membership is encouraged, including that of building code officials, the fire services and the fire research community.

Some organizations offer materials or products with fire performance which may or may not be adequate for actual fire hazard requirements based on interpretations given by regulators or specifiers, but which now represent a substantial fraction of a particular niche market. They are likely to oppose any fire hazard assessment because, a change in interpretation of the fire hazard might close the market to their materials or products or force them to redesign the materials or products to meet the potentially enhanced requirements.

I. The new product is safer, in terms of fire performance, than the one in established use (on any arbitrary scale). Then, the new product is desirable, from the point of view of fire safety. ii. There is no difference between the fire safety of the new product and the one in established use. Then, there is neither advantage nor disadvantage in using the new product, from the point of view of fire safety. iii. The new product is less safe, in terms of fire performance, than the one in established use.

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Astm's Role in Performance-Based Fire Codes and Standards by John Raymond Hall

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