Jim Taylor; et al's Blu-ray disc demystified PDF

By Jim Taylor; et al

ISBN-10: 0071590935

ISBN-13: 9780071590938

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Sony and Philips made a similar conciliatory announcement, and thus, almost a year after they began, the hostilities officially ended. The two DVD groups continued to hammer out a consensus that finally was announced on December 12, 1995. The combined format covered the basic DVDROM physical and video elements, taking into account the recommendations made by movie studios and the computer industry. A new alliance was formed — the DVD Consortium — consisting of Philips and Sony, the big seven from the SD camp, and Time Warner.

Sony pushed the envelope with BD drives in the PlayStation 3 console, putting over 9 million devices into the worldwide marketplace by the Spring of 2008. Information Publishing The Internet is a wonderfully effective and efficient medium for information publishing, but it currently lacks the bandwidth needed to do justice to large amounts of data rich with graphics, audio, and motion video. BD, with storage capacity far surpassing CD and DVD, high-definition video, and the power of Java programming, is perfect for publish- Blu-ray Disc Demystified I-3 Introduction ing and distributing information in our ever more knowledge-intensive and informationhungry world.

For magneto-optical discs, which are a combination of both formats, the word is spelled with c because the discs are read with a laser. The New York Times, after years of head-in-the-sand usage of k for all forms of data storage, revised its manual in 1999 to conform to industry practice. Standards bodies such as ECMA and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) persist in spelling it wrong, but what can you expect from bureaucracies? Anyone writing about DVD who spells it “disk” instead of “disc” immediately puts the reader on notice that the author is clueless.

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Blu-ray disc demystified by Jim Taylor; et al

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