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By Nancy Furstinger

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The material should have a low modulus and be conformable to the opposing surface. Less the cross linking of the polymer, more thermally stable, will have lower modulus and especially during high speed stops. Selection and nature, proportion of usage of reinforcing fiber along with the polymer all have a greater bearing on wear [102]. Titanium and vanadium in the cast iron disc can have a significant effect on friction and wear of the contacting surface disc. 03 % of titanium can halve the wear sometimes and is present in iron as very hard titanium carbon nitride particles [92].

32μ indicates, speed effect on braking. Similarly temperature effect as seen in Fig. 29 beyond 200–300 °C is given in the graph with the sharp drop in friction coefficient. Temperature, speed effect on μ improves in the design by high temperature (Fig. 29) heat resistant friction modifiers like Zirflor and stabilizing the friction with lubes like molybdenum disulphide and synthetic graphite without affecting the wear [89]. 30 shows the distinct variation in the testing between the small sample testing machine and a dynamometer test results with a huge trend variation.

Thus, the static coefficient of friction is concerned with the force restricting the movement of an object that is stationary on a given surface of contact. b. Kinetic Coefficient of Friction Kinetic friction is the force holding back regular motion. The, kinetic coefficient of friction is concerned with the force restricting the movement of an object that is sliding on different surfaces. c. Deformation Coefficient of Friction The deformation coefficient of friction is the effect of forces restricting the movement of an object that is sliding or rolling on and one or both surfaces that are relatively soft and deformed by the forces.

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