New PDF release: Sheet Metal Handbook: How to Form and Shape Sheet Metal for

By Ron Fournier

ISBN-10: 0895867575

ISBN-13: 9780895867575

Hpbooks Hp575 Sheet steel guide

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Push the foot control to form the bend. The amount of travel downward from the original contact point into the lower die groove determines the amount of bend. There IS a siroke gagl' on the machine which determines the distance the upper die wil[ travel down into the lower die groove. The stroke gage also records the depth of the most recenl stroke. If a greater angle of bend is needed. II deeper stroke ca n be dialed in. If less bend is needed. Ihcn there is goi ng to be trouble . As with leaf brakes.

You can make mod ifications with sc issors and masking tape . However. don'l hes itate to scrap a panem and start over. If you do modify it, rc meas ure the final pattern and make sure it SHEET METAL HANDBOOK The world 's best panern won " won; if It shifts while you' re man;ing the metal. Use plenty of clamps to keep It tn ptace. c hecks out okay. Developing a palle rn in this manner gives an acc urate re presentation of the finished part . It allows you to dete rnline beforehand w he re to make the bends or welds.

The sheet metal thins, elongates and curves. It is criti cal however, to make sure you don'l stretch metal too much, making it too thin. It doesn't rebound easily. Shrinking metal, on the other hand , is also achieved by hammering. but the difference is {hat the metal is garhered by compressing it or forcing it together. It is much more difficult than stretching. There are two basic methods of shrinking by hand-hot or cold. 56 Cold-slirinking is done by using the combination of a h{lrd s urface.

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Sheet Metal Handbook: How to Form and Shape Sheet Metal for Competition, Custom and Restoration Use by Ron Fournier

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