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2 + 3*x + 5) for the y data. 1-14 Plotting Tools — Interactive Plotting You can use the default X Data value of index if you do not want to specify x data. In this case, MATLAB plots the y data vs. the index of the y data value, which is equivalent to calling the plot command with only one argument. The Property Editor The Property Editor enables you to access a subset of the selected object’s properties. When no object is selected, the Property Editor displays the figure’s properties. Ways to Display the Property Editor There are a variety of ways to display the Property Editor: • Double-click an object when plot edit mode is enabled.

The data source for h(2) is z(:,2). The data source for h(n) is z(:,n). 1-33 1 MATLAB Plotting Tools Example — Generating M-Code to Reproduce a Graph Suppose you have created the following graph. *sin(5*t)) You then use the Property Editor to modify the graph to look like the following picture. 8 −1 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 You can generate code to reproduce this graph by selecting Generate M-File from the Figure menu. MATLAB creates a function that recreates the graph and opens the generated M-File in the editor.

2 Select Export from the Export Setup dialog. A standard Save As dialog appears. 3 Select the format from the list of formats in the Save as type drop-down menu. This selects the format of the exported file and adds the standard filename extension given to files of that type. 4 Enter the name you want to give the file, less the extension. 5 Click Save. Copying a Figure to the Clipboard On Windows systems, you can also copy a figure to the clipboard and then paste it into another application: 1 Select Copy Options from the Edit menu.

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The language of Technical Computing by MathWorks

by Kevin

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