By Malka Rappaport Hovav, Edit Doron, Ivy Sichel
ISBN-10: 0199544328
ISBN-13: 9780199544325
ISBN-10: 0199544336
ISBN-13: 9780199544332
This publication specializes in the linguistic illustration of temporality within the verbal area and its interplay with the syntax and semantics of verbs, arguments, and modifiers. prime students discover the department of labour among syntax, compositional semantics, and lexical semantics within the encoding of occasion constitution, encompassing occasion contributors and the temporal homes linked to occasions. They research the interface among occasion constitution and the platforms with which it interacts, together with the interface among occasion constitution and the syntactic awareness of arguments and modifiers. Deploying various frameworks and theoretical views they think about relevant concerns and questions within the box, between them even if argument-structure is laid out in the lexical entries of verbs or syntactically developed in order that syntactic place determines thematic prestige; no matter if the hierarchical constitution evidenced in argument constitution locate parallels in signal language; should still the relation among individuals of an alternation pair, reminiscent of the causative-inchoative alternation, be understood lexically or derivationally; and the position of syntactic classification in making a choice on the configuration of argument constitution.
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