By Karsten Berns, Tobias Luksch
ISBN-10: 354074763X
ISBN-13: 9783540747635
Ausgew?hlte Beitr?ge zu aktuellen Themen: Das 20. Fachgespr?ch Autonome cellular Systeme (AMS 2007) ist ein discussion board f?r Wissenschaftler/innen aus Forschung und Industrie, die auf dem Gebiet der autonomen mobilen Systeme arbeiten. Es bietet Raum f?r Gedankenaustausch und Diskussion und f?rdert bzw. initiiert Kooperationen auf diesem Forschungsgebiet. Das diesj?hrige Fachgespr?ch besch?ftigt sich haupts?chlich mit dem Bereich der kognitiven vehicle und Laufmaschinen.
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A new image Γ , after subtracting the mean (Φ = Γ − Ψ ), can then be proT jected to the eigenspace by Φ = K i=1 wi ui , where wi = ui Ψ are coefficients of the projection and can be regarded as a new representation of the original image in the eigenspace. 3 Fast Wavelet Transform For the two-dimensional images of size N × N used in the following descriptions, we assume N = 2M for clarity. The multi-resolution wavelet decomposition can be expressed as follows [7]: Sm+1,(n1 ,n2 ) = h Tm+1,(n = 1 ,n2 ) v Tm+1,(n = 1 ,n2 ) d = Tm+1,(n 1 ,n2 ) 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 k1 k2 k1 k2 k1 k2 k1 k2 ck1 ck2 Sm(2n1 +k1 ,2n2 +k2 ) (1) bk1 ck2 Sm(2n1 +k1 ,2n2 +k2 ) (2) ck1 bk2 Sm(2n1 +k1 ,2n2 +k2 ) (3) bk1 bk2 Sm(2n1 +k1 ,2n2 +k2 ) (4) 38 H.
A) (b) Fig. 1. (a) While scanning at an abysm, some of the lower patches will not be covered by a laser scan (dashed area). Since the patches at the edge of the abysm have less than eight neighbors, we can recognize them as an obstacle (red / dark gray area). (b) Outdoor map showing sampled candidate viewpoints as red (dark gray) spheres. if one of the neighboring patches is non-traversable (τ = 0), but rather set the patch’s traversability directly to zero in this case. 3 Our Exploration Technique An exploration strategy has to determine the next viewpoint the robot should move to in order to obtain more information about the environment.
In Proc. of the IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics & Automation (ICRA), pages 997–1002, 1989. 5. S. Lacroix, A. Mallet, D. Bonnafous, G. Bauzil, S. Fleury and; M. Herrb, and R. Chatila. Autonomous rover navigation on unknown terrains: Functions and integration. International Journal of Robotics Research, 21(10-11):917–942, 2002. 6. C. Parra, R. Murrieta-Cid, M. Devy, and M. Briot. 3-d modelling and robot localization from visual and range data in natural scenes. In 1st International Conference on Computer Vision Systems (ICVS), number 1542 in LNCS, pages 450–468, 1999.
Autonome Mobile Systeme 2007: 20. Fachgespräch Kaiserslautern, 18. 19. Oktober 2007 (Informatik aktuell) German by Karsten Berns, Tobias Luksch
by Joseph